Foto: M. Nguyen
Research associate
2016-2024, Technische Universität Berlin
- published 5 articles in international peer-reviewed journals as corresponding author (see below)
- prepared 2 grant proposals of 200.000+ EUR each, one of which funded
- taught weekly classes (starting from 2019)
- 10+ conference talks at international conferences (see below)
Academic training
- 2024 Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, summa cum laude
- 2016 Master of Science (Physics)
- 2014 Bachelor of Science (Physics)
- English (excellent, C2)
- German (excellent, language of socialization)
Coding experience
- Julia (9 years)
- Python (4 years)
- C, PHP, Java (2 years)
- since 2020: board member of a culture nonprofit
- J. Grawitter, Fluid flow controlled by light-switchable surface tension and wettability (Doctoral dissertation, 2024, Technische Universität Berlin)
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Steering droplets on substrates with plane-wave wettability patterns and deformations, Soft Matter 20, 3161 (2024)
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Droplets on substrates with oscillating wettability, Soft Matter 17, 9469 (2021)
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Steering droplets on substrates using moving steps in wettability, Soft Matter 17, 2454 (2021)
- J. Grawitter R. van Buel, C. Schaaf, and H. Stark, Dissipative systems with nonlocal delayed feedback control, New Journal of Physics 20, 113010 (2018)
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Feedback control of photoresponsive fluid interfaces, Soft Matter 14, 1856 (2018)
Conference talks
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Modelling droplets on substrates with travelling-wave deformations, DPG spring meeting (2024), Berlin (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Steering droplets on substrates with plane-wave wettability patterns and deformations, DPG spring meeting (2023), Dresden (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, * Steering droplets on substrates with plane-wave wettability patterns and deformations*, Dynamic Wetting of Flexible,
Adaptive, and Switchable Substrates (2022), Göttingen (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H.
Stark, Steering droplets on substrates with periodic wettability patterns and deformations, DPG SKM meeting (2022), Regensburg (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Droplets on substrates with moving and oscillating wettability patterns, Dynamic Wetting of Flexible,
Adaptive, and Switchable Substrates (2021), Freiburg (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Simulating the hydrodynamics of droplets on
photo-switchable substrates, Microscale Motion and Light
(2019), Dresden (Germany).
- J. Grawitter, R. van Buel, C. Schaaf, and H.
Stark, Dissipative systems with nonlocal delayed
feedback, DPG spring meeting (2019), Regensburg (Germany).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Feedback-Control of Photoresponsive Fluid
Interfaces, DPG spring meeting (2018), Berlin (Germany).
- J. Grawitter, Light-driven transport at fluid-fluid interfaces, Annual Meeting of IRTG 1524 (2017), Raleigh, NC (USA).
- J. Grawitter and H. Stark, Light-switchable molecules at planar fluid
interfaces, DPG spring meeting (2017), Dresden (Germany).
- J. Grawitter, Light-switchable molecules at planar fluid interfaces, Annual Meeting of IRTG 1524 (2016), Neuruppin (Germany).